The Man, The Myth, The Legend – A Car Dealer

    By |2019-06-20T12:20:38-05:00June 20th, 2019|Maintenance, Re-Striping, Repairs|

    Matt Odhner and Brothers - 1990's A Story by Matt Odhner, Owner of Quick Lot, a parking lot maintenance, repair and line striping company. The best surprise my parents ever pulled off in my childhood was when they got a conversion van. It was the 90’s and my brothers and I had a

      Airfield Markings – When is Restriping Necessary?

      By |2019-06-16T13:52:03-05:00June 9th, 2019|Line Striping, Re-Striping|

      Airfield Markings Standards updated as of December, 2018 within the 5370-10 Circular Advisory (specifically about Markings (150/5370-10H)). The biggest changes related to maintenance criteria is specifically regarding retro-reflectance. Specifically that pavement markings should be re-striped when below the following levels (millacandelas). White 100 Yellow 75 Red 10 *First check to see if removal of